[Sofia] Unterstützt die FABRIKA AVTONOMIA in Sofia

Die Fabrika Avtonomia in Sofia braucht finanzielle Unterstützung. Unten findet ihr die Erklärung der Nutzer*innen der Fabrika. Spenden könnt ihr hier: https://www.patreon.com/fabrikaavtonomia?fbclid=IwAR27uf9pJQlJN18RLQ2I_CUaRm302TUhCDqEqdSMBfpgSC6vTObDytb0kWw. Solidarität kennte keine Grenzen!

Was ist die Fabrika Avtonomia?

Fabrika Avtonomia is a free, public, non-commercial self-organized independent space. Our core values are solidarity, autonomy, justice and equality. We organise and host various types of events from free language classes, alternative economy workshops, movie screening and lectures on different topics to independent art performances and DIY music shows.

Our aims

– In the artistic domain we support the creation of a strong independent art scene in the city of Sofia by providing free space for shows, performances and art installations. Over the course of one year we have worked with five different independent labels and many other artists that cannot survive in an environment ran exclusively by expensive commercial clubs.

– In terms of our political activity our aim is to provide space to different grass-roots social movements. We work on the intersection between different social, political and economic topics. We bring together struggles like workers’ rights and syndicalism, environmental struggles, feminism and LGBTI+ rights, anti-discrimination and anti-racism, and animal and earth liberation. We help citizens to develop self-organized groups for activism. Just as an example,we are currently working with a self-organized group for female rights in Bulgaria KEF (Club for Eclectic Feminism), Queer Squad, and the Initiative for Free Public Transport in Sofia.

Values and Principles

We are led by the pursuit of justice, solidarity, and self-management – as opposed to global capitalism, fake liberal democracy, and all kinds of totalitarianism.
We believe that a world of equality and mutual assistance, without hierarchy and without authority, is possible. While trying to apply all of this in practice, we are guided by some basic rules:
– Each onе of us represents themselves and no one else. We organize among ourselves without leaders and without anyone telling others how to “do the right thing”.
– We all participate voluntarily, according to our individual potential, abilities, and desires; all are engaged in the attempt of turning the social center into a model of autonomy.
– We believe in direct action in the name of everything we believe in and against everything that oppresses us in the present system.
– We respect all differences, because this is the only way we can achieve common solutions; we recognize the importance of diversity for a just and harmonious society; we do not accept any form of oppression or discrimination on any ground. – We do not accept that aggression – verbal or physical – is an appropriate way of communicating in our common space.

We know that the struggle for a better world is multifaceted and we do our best so that the space of “Factory Autonomy” holds its pioneering position in Sofia as the center of many struggles for justice, solidarity, and self-government. Only together can we reclaim our space, not only in the city but also in society, and join our voices to fight for our freedom.

“Autonomy” – because we ourselves can build a just, cohesive, and self-governing society.
“Factory” – because achieving our individual freedom is impossible without producing our collective freedom together.