Tag Archives: smuggling

[Griechenland] Stigmatisiert, kriminalisiert, inhaftiert – Der Kampf gegen vermeintliche ›Schleuser‹ auf den griechischen Hotspot-Inseln

Begleitend zu unserer Solidaritätsarbeit u.a. für den Fall von Amir und Razouli, die wegen “Schleuserei” in Griechenland angeklagt sind, veröffentlichen wir hier unten auch den folgenden Recherche-Bericht von bordermonitoring.eu zu Kriminalisierung von “Schleuserei” in Griechenland:

Der folgende Bericht dokumentiert und analysiert die systematische Inhaftierung und Bestrafung von Menschen, die an der EU-Außengrenze in der Ägäis des ›Menschenschmuggels‹ beschuldigt werden. Er veranschaulicht das Schicksal von Migranten, die in Griechenland zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt wurden.

Einigen von ihnen war nicht bewusst, dass sie eine schwere Straftat begangen, als sie ein Boot mit Asylsuchenden von Griechenland in die Türkei steuerten; andere überquerten die Grenze nur, um selbst Asyl in der Europäischen Union zu beantragen. Bei ihrer Ankunft wurden sie verhaftet, oft geschlagen und monatelang in Untersuchungshaft festgehalten und schließlich in einem Gerichtsverfahren verurteilt, das gegen grundlegende Gerechtigkeitsstandards verstößt. Die drastische Kriminalisierung, die in diesem Bericht beschrieben wird, kann nicht ohne den breiteren Rahmen der EU-Politik zur Bekämpfung von ›Schleuserei‹ verstanden werden, die im Folgenden analysiert werden soll. Narrative über ›Menschenschmuggel‹ und die Entwicklung der Gesetzgebung gegen Schleuserei in der Europäischen Union stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt.”

Der vollständige Bericht ist hier verfügbar.

[Greece] Sentenced to 50 years in prison – Freedom for Amir & Razuli

Originalartikel: https://www.borderline-europe.de/unsere-arbeit/solidarit%C3%A4tsstatement-freiheit-f%C3%BCr-amir-und-razuli

Sentenced to 50 years in prison – Freedom for Amir & Razuli

Deutsch | Ελληνικά | Français | فارسی

When Amir and Razuli tried to reach Greece on a rubber boat in March 2020, they were attacked by the Greek coast guard who tried to push them back to Turkey by force. The attack caused the boat to sink and the coast guard had to take them on board. Amir and Razuli were arbitrarily charged with “facilitating illegal entry” and “provoking a shipwreck”, in addition to their own entry. On the 8th of September 2020 they were sentenced to 50 years in prison.

Amir and Razuli, 25 and 23, fled from Afghanistan trying to reach Europe in search of a life in safety. With Europe’s ever-increasing closure of borders and the lack of safe and legal ways to enter Europe and claim asylum, they were forced to embark on the dangerous journey on a rubber boat across the Aegean Sea. Amongst the other people in the boat was also Amir’s young daughter and his heavily pregnant wife.*

They made their journey in March 2020, the month in which the Greek government announced the suspension of one of the most fundamental human rights – the right to apply for asylum -, and consequently charged people seeking protection with their own “illegal entry”, blatantly contradicting EU law and the Geneva Convention.

The Greek coast guard attacked the boat as soon as they had entered Greek waters and tried to push it back into Turkish waters using metal poles. In doing so, they punctured the boat, causing water to enter and putting the life of the people onboard at risk.

In the past months, numerous reports emerged bearing testimony to the Greek coast guard’s illegal and cruel practice of violent pushbacks, destroying the engine of refugee boats, disabling the boats, and then leaving the people to their fate in the middle of the sea. Read more about this in the New York Times, the Deutsche Welle and the Spiegel.

As the boat was about to sink, the coast guard eventually took them on board.

Following this deeply traumatizing experience, the coast guard proceeded with heavily beating up Amir and Razuli, arbitrarily accusing the two of being the smugglers. According to Amir’s wife who had to witness all of this together with her daughter, they only stopped when she held up their young child in front of her husband begging the men to stop.

As soon as they arrived at the Greek island of Lesbos, Amir and Razuli were separated from the rest of the group and brought to the police station. The coast guard accused them of their own entry, of facilitating the unauthorized entry of the other people on the boat and of having endangered the people’s lives.

They were since held in pre-trial detention and sentenced to 50 years in prison on 8th of September 2020. Although there is no evidence against them except for the statement of the coast guards, they were only acquitted of the accusation of “provoking a shipwreck”.

We are calling for the release of Amir and Razuli and all charges against them to be dropped!

Almost every day, people seeking protection are criminalized for their own flight and arbitrarily sentenced to lengthy prison terms and heavy fines (see e.g. the case of Hamza and Mohamed). Suspects, or what we would deem ‘victims’ of this unjust legislation, usually have limited access to legal assistance. Judgments are often pronounced despite lack of evidence and poor quality of translation. In Greece, the average trial lasts only around 30 minutes, leading to an average sentence of 44 years and fines over 370.000 Euro. According to official numbers by the Greek ministry of justice, almost 2.000 people are currently in Greek prisons for this reason. However, the fates of these people are seldom known. Arrested immediately upon arrival, most of them are locked away unnoticed, without their names known and no access to support from outside.

But we know the story of Amir and Razuli. We have organized legal defense for them, and we will fight for their acquittal in the appeal trial!

Help us to make their story known!

The European Union must stop the arbitrary incarceration of refugees and migrants!
*Amir’s wife has meanwhile given birth to their second child. After the trial, Amir met his two-month-old baby for the first time and as he held his child for the first time in his arms, the police shouted at him to give the infant back to the mother, causing his family extreme distress.

SUPPORT US IN OUR FIGHT AGAINST CRIMINALISATION: https://www.betterplace.org/de/projects/79969-solidarisch-gegen-die-kriminalisierung-von-flucht-und-migration

26 October 2020

[Griechenland] Solidaritätsaufruf: Berufungsverfahren gegen Hamza Haddi & Mohamed Haddar

Ein Solidaritäts-Statement unserer Freund*innen von borderline Europe (https://www.borderline-europe.de/unsere-arbeit/berufungsverfahren-gegen-hamza-haddi-und-mohamed-haddar?l=de):

Berufungsverfahren gegen Hamza Haddi & Mohamed Haddar

am 01. September in Komotini, Griechenland – Solidarisiert euch!

Die systematische Inhaftierung Schutzsuchender an Europas Außengrenzen muss enden!

Hamza und Mohamed wurden am 04. Februar 2020 von einem griechischen Gericht infolge ihrer eigenen Flucht als “Schmuggler” und wegen “Beihilfe zur illegalen Einreise” zu 4 Jahren und 1 Monat Haft verurteilt. Sie waren aus Marokko geflüchtet und auf der Suche nach einem Leben in Sicherheit gemeinsam mit weiteren Personen an Bord eines provisorischen Bootes nach Griechenland gekommen.

Als sie dort ankamen, schoss die griechische Grenzpolizei auf sie. Sie wurden verhaftet und geschlagen. Doch damit nicht genug. Hamza und Mohamed wurden des Schmuggels der anderen Personen – einer davon Hamzas eigener Bruder Yassine – beschuldigt und verurteilt.

Lest mehr zur Geschichte von Hamza & Mohamed und dem ersten Prozess.

Der Fall der beiden steht dabei emblematisch für eine systematische Praxis der massenhaften Kriminalisierung und Inhaftierung Schutzsuchender. Nicht nur kriminalisiert die Europäische Union strategisch diejenigen Menschen, die sich solidarisch mit Migrierenden verhalten; auf Druck der Europäischen Union hat Griechenland die gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen dafür geschaffen, auch Schutzsuchende selbst für ihre eigene Flucht zu verhaften.

So verhaftet die griechische Küstenwache per ankommenden Boot 1 – 2 Menschen und beschuldigt sie willkürlich des Schmuggels und der Beihilfe zur illegalen Einreise (mehr Infos hier). Verhaftet unmittelbar nach ihrer Ankunft, haben Betroffene keinerlei Zugang zur Außenwelt und werden meist unbemerkt, namenlos und ohne Unterstützungsstrukturen zu drakonischen Gefängnis- und Geldstrafen verurteilt. Nach offiziellen Angaben des griechischen Justizministerium macht diese Gruppe inzwischen die größte Gruppe der Gefängnisinsassen in Griechenland aus.

Hamza und Mohamed stehen dabei stellvertretend für eine weitere menschenverachtende und brutale Facette Europäischer Grenzpolitik.

Die Anschuldigungen gegen sie sind offenkundig unbegründet. Die beiden sind Schutzsuchende, keine Schmuggler.

Europaweit solidarisierten sich im Februar Gruppen und Menschen, u.a. Carola Rackete und die Vereinigung europäischer demokratischer Anwält*innen (EAD), mit den beiden und damit stellvertretend für die vielen anderen Betroffenen (siehe unser gemeinsames Solidaritätsstatement), am Verhandlungstag war der Gerichtssaal bis auf den letzten Platz gefüllt mit lokalen und internationalen Unterstützter*innen wie den iuventa10 und der EAD.

Mit Erfolg – es waren die Aufmerksamkeit und der öffentliche Druck, der nach Einschätzung des Anwalts letztlich dazu führte, dass die beiden zu einer vergleichsweise “milden” Strafe verurteilt wurden: 4 Jahre und 1 Monat (Durchschnittsstrafe in diesen Prozessen sind 44 Jahre).

Die einzige richtige Urteil ist jedoch ein Freispruch!

Die beiden sind unschuldig und haben nichts verbrochen.

Sollten sie im Berufungsverfahren nicht freigesprochen werden, können sie außerdem kein Asyl mehr in Griechenland beantragen, weil sie dann als “verurteile Straftäter” gelten.

  • Macht den Fall von Hamza und Mohamed bekannt und damit die menschenverachtende Praxis, für die er stellvertretend steht und forderet mit uns die Freiheit für die beiden!
  • Kommt zum Berufungsverfahren am 01. September 2020 in Komotini, Griechenland!
  • Schreibt euren Freund*innen in Griechenland!

und für all jene, die das gleiche Schicksal erleiden und in griechischen und italienischen Gefängnissen eingesperrt sind, weil sie ein besseres Leben suchten.Montag, 17. August 2020

Weitere Informationen:

[Greece] Free Nour – criminalization of refugees as human traffickers

The source of the following article is the petition in change.org: (https://www.change.org/p/european-court-of-human-rights-free-nour-al-sameh) as well as the picture which is taken from this petition too.

Cases of state repression against refugees arriving with boats on greek islands by criminalizing their act of eventually conducting a boat as human trafficking as written below, are no single cases. It is a systematicly policy of deterrence and arbitrariness. We want to make these cases visible. Nour is an exemplary case for this:

Free Nour Al-sameh! 

Nour Al-Sameh is 29 years old ٍSyrian who is unjustly imprisoned in Greece for 4 years now because he flee to Europe for refuge. Just like the Captain of the Sea-Watch Carola Rackete, he acted to save the lives of people on a boat in the Aegean Sea who would otherwise have drowned in the water.

Nour studied Business Management in Syria, he fled his country due to persecution and war that burst in. He stayed in Turkey in an unbearable situation without shelter or job until he managed to leave Turkey, in July 29th 2015. The only possibility for him to seek refuge in Europe was crossing the Aegean Sea in small sailing boat. He was the only person on the boat who could speak English, when the boat was about to sink he called for help using the walky-talky on the boat.

People on the boat were taken by The Greek coast guards accompanied by military forces (according to Nour,this forces were in military uniform, and he thinks that they were speaking in German)
The boat was taken to the harbor of Perya Island in Greece, he was handed to the Greek coast guards. Being blindfolded and handcuffed, Nour was beaten, insulted and humiliated by the Greek police.

He was accused with Human Trafficking and sentenced for 315 years and a fine of 3150000 Euros in June 2016. Similar cases have shown that the court counts prison year by the number of people on the boat. With the support of his friends he managed to get a lawyer and appeal against this decision in November 2017, the judge of  Perya court dismissed the appeal. In another attempt for justice Nour’s lawyer brought the case to the highest court in Greece, the Supreme Court, to win the opportunity for an appeal and to explain his story properly. Since the hearing in the Supreme Court in February 2019 Nour is waiting for an answer on his claim.

Nour’s case is not an exception. Many refugees have been criminalized, arrested and are currently detained in Greek prisons simply because they were fleeing. The Legal Center Lesvos has documented https://legalcentrelesvos.org/category/news/).

“The individuals charged are denied the basic rights to a fair trial, guaranteed under Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights, as they are routinely denied adequate interpretation, are denied a fair hearing, and convictions are based on the sole fact that the individual was driving the boats attempting to reach Europe from Turkey” In Nour’s case it was simply making a call to ask for help. The Christian Peacemaker Team also documented a trial against refugees concluding

“No one in the courtroom supported the business of human smuggling of refugees—making immense profits by charging huge prices for transporting refugees in very dangerous conditions, usually crowding too many people in unsafe boats, often not giving them life jackets that actually work, or not putting enough fuel in the motor to reach the shore of the Greek island. It’s a horrendous crime against these vulnerable and desperate people. But the people being tried in this courtroom were not the people running these illegal businesses and getting rich.”


Here is another article tackling the unjust sentencing of many more people, most likely there are many more like Nour that we haven’t heard of.


Nour is still arrested without any help and his case is forgotten

please sign his petition and share it, Nour deserves our solidarity

Saving lives is not a crime!

We demand Nour’s immediate release!


[Ägäis] Interview on theEU`s fight against “smuggling” – Wieso es nicht nur um Carola Rackete geht

Interview zur Situation der “smuggling cases” – zuerst veröffentlicht von dm aegean:

Not only European sea rescue organizations are criminalized. Hundreds of migrants seeking protection in Europe are immediately arrested after their arrival by boat on the Greek Islands. They are accused of human smuggling.

The police is looking for the people who were driving the boat. These people are either refugees who could not afford their journey in a rubber dinghy and accept to steer the boat or Turkish citizen not knowing the risk they occur.

One trial against a “smuggler” lasts less than half an hour. In nearly all cases, the accused migrants are found guilty. Their average sentence is about 44 years in prison that is to be served for about 19 years. The average fines imposed are over 370.000 Euros.