[Hungary] Solidarity with the Röszke11: Reports from court hearings on 28.10.; 3.10. and from Solidarity Demonstration

The court hearing of Ahmad H., arrested during the the protest at Röszke border 2015 and accused of “terrorism”, took place on 28 th of October in Szeged (Hungary). He is facing lifelong prison. The trial was postponed on the 30th of November. Solidarity demonstrations and actions took place in Budapest, Berlin, Vienna and Malmö. Protest, spread the info of this scandalous racist trial and show your solidarity!

You will find these reports here:

  • Report from court hearing of Ahmad H. in Szeged on 28. October 2016 (by Migszol/Hungary)
  • Bericht von Röszke 11-Soli-Kundgebung am 28. Oktober 2016 in Berlin // Neuer Protest am 30.11 (von Solidarity with the Röszke 11)
  • Report from court hearing of Ahmad H. in Szeged on 3. October 2016 (by NoBorderSerbia)

Freedom for Ahmad H. and all of the Röszke11!
Date for the last court session for Ahmad of the Röszke 11 on 30. November 2016 in Szeged (was postponend) – Show your solidarity!

More Infos here on this Blog, @Migszol (Hungary) and Free the Röszke11 Campaign.


Report from Court Hearing of Ahmad H. in Szeged on 28. October 2016 (report based of Twitter-Ticker by Migszol/Hungary)

Another report from the trial on 28. October you will find here at FreeTheRoszke11.weebly.com.



On 28.10.2016 at 9.00 am the court hearing of Ahmad started. The police refused lots of solidarish people that protested in front of the court building to enter. Representatives of Amnesty International were refused to enter as well first and only after long discussion they were allowed to visit the trial. There was massive police presence, and Ahmad was guarded by two masked soldiers.

9.00 am. The trial starts. The document presented by the court states that was the leader of the protest. Among the proofs: migrants gave him pillows and food…The document has detailed description about what injuries the policemen had to suffer. Evidently they are the victims, not Ahmad or other refugees…

Then first time during the trial stood up to oppose. He was accused to talk in the phone. He says he didn’t. Judge said just “okay, fine”… claims phone recordings are fake, he did not instruct anyone how to cross the HUN border. The seized phones belong to his relatives.

denies the accusations and saying he is a peaceful follower of and he respects women. He says he went abroad to study Quran. He responds to alleged suspicious trips to Saudi & India. He went to former for hajj and latter to visit Muslim friends. Lawyer: “it’s fact that that every Muslims pilgrimage to Mecca. Catholics who go to Vatican are fanatics then?” Obviously the trial plays with the lack of knowledge about Islam.In the Hungarian judicial system Ahmad’s crime that he’s a Muslim

So far the “evidences” are presented. His newly appointed defence lawyer pleads for an adjournment in order to contact international journos and volunteers and to visit his client in prison to take instructions. Prosecutor opposes the request. Judge rises to consider.

Defence asks the court to hear other 25 witnesses and have a meeting with at prison.The lawyer asks to postpone the trial, that prosecutor attacks claiming that its just to win time. The decision will be made at 11 o`clock. Lawyer wants to attach recording as evidence that he recorded with during the incident. Prosecution not agrees because he claims the lawyer would have enough time to meet the defendant.

The claim to listen the new witnesses is refused, except for to listen witness György Rőczei, a policeman. Around 25 activists and journalists were among the witnesses, refused without any explanation..

The trial is postponed. The next trial will take place on th 30th of November at 9:00. A month to raise media attention and support for Ahmed H – The whole should take a look at this incredible racist showtrial in !

Live-Ticker from the court room and reports with more details you will find here: https://twitter.com/MigSzolCsop


Bericht von Röszke 11-Soli-Kundgebung am 28. Oktober 2016 in Berlin // Neuer Protest am 30.11.! (by

In Solidaritaet mit den Roeszke 11 und insbesondere Ahmad, dessen Verfahren vorgestern [28.10] zu einem Urteil fuehren sollte, haben wir in Berlin vor der ungarischen Botschaft in Berlin (nahe Brandenburger Tor) mit etwa 40 Menschen demonstriert.

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Wir moechten auf die Kriminalisierung und die Ungleichstellung von gefluechteten Menschen Aufmerksam machen. Eine Ungleichstellung, die in Faellen wie dem der Roeszke 11 zur vollkommenen Rechtlosigkeit einer, von unserer rassistischen Gesammtbevoelkerung fallen gelassenen Minderheit fuehrt. Ein weiterer Fall gewollten Versagens der Justiz.Das Gerichtsverfahren basiert auf den diffusen Zeugenaussagen ungarischer PolizistInnen, einem tonlosen Video, das Ahmad beim Werfen mehrerer Steine zeigen soll und der “Fuehrungsrolle”, die er durch das Halten eines Megaphons eingenommen habe. Auf dieser Basis wurde der Vorwurf “Terrorismus” konstruiert und ganz nebenbei erneut ein rassistisches Feindbild “bestaetigt”. Hinzu kommen angebliche Verbindungen zu islamistischen Organisationen, welche ueber seinen Besuch der Laender Saudi Arabien und Indien begruendet werden. Freitag [28.10] wird er dann einmal mehr von vermummten Anti-Terror-Einheiten mit Hand- und Fußfesseln auf die Anklagebank gefuehrt. Fuer den eigentlich oeffentlichen Prozess werden praktisch keine PressevertreterInnen eingelassen, von AktivistInnen ganz zu schweigen.

Faelle wie diese Haeufen sich. Dabei wird der Schwebezustand von schutzsuchenden Menschen strukturell ausgenutzt um Kampflienen, zu Gunsten totalitaerer Staatsgebilde, zu verschieben. Lasst es nicht ungesehen geschehen. Verbreitet den Fall der Roeszke 11 und gebt ihnen eine Stimme, damit am 30.11. mehr Aufmerksamkeit fuer die voraussichtliche Verurteilung Ahmads besteht!

Falls ihr euch aktiv an der Organisation von Protesten und gemeinsamen Aktionen beteiligen wollt schreibt uns eine Mail an: roeszke_support1@riseup.net

Infos zu kommenden Demonstrationen findet ihr auch bei Facebook:



Report from court hearing in Szeged on 3. October 2016 (by NoBorderSerbia):

Ahmed H, one of the Röszke 11, accused for “terrorism and other crimes” is kept in custody and total isolation since one year. As Ahmed’s last court session was on the 23nd of September, solidarity demonstration took place in Budapest, Szeged and in Vienna, in front of the Hungarian embassy.


During the whole court hearing the judge was only reading the testemonies of the police who were allegedly injured during the so called riot. Ahmed’s lawyer was even not present, only his deputy. The police blocked the court corridor so the majority of the people who wanted to monitor the trial was not allowed to enter the courtroom. All forms of communication with Ahmed were prevented.

Still, the people who gathered to demand the freedom of the accused managed to send their messages of solidarity via playing and singing songs of resistance, and showing signs behind the police blockade.

The police was constantly making pressure and threatening with starting misdeme anor procedures against the protesters. When the trial was finished people in solidairty were waiting for Ahmed to be carried out from the courtroom, but instead of it, he was locked into another room. As a sign of disobedience some people refused to leave the court building until they were evected by the police. The last person who left the building was a 73 years old lady who came to Szeged in order to protest.


The next court session will be on the 30th of November, when the first level sentence is expected to be read out. Let’s organize and show the power of solidarity! Support the solidarity campaign where ever you are!

We should not forget about Yamen A., Farouk A., and Kamel J., the other 3 people from the Röszke 11, who got already sentenced and who are imprisoned in differnt prisons over Hungary.

More details about the trial and the international solidarity campaign: freetheroszke11.weebly.com contact: freetheroszke11@riseup.net