Category Archives: Slowenien

[Ljubljana] Transnationaler Callout für Solidarität mit dem ROG Ljubljana!


(english below)


Am Dienstag, den 19. Januar 2021, wurde das soziale Zentrum – die Autonome Fabrik Rog (AT Rog) – von gemeinsamen Kräften aus neonazistisch nahstehender privater Sicherheitsfirmen und der Polizei brutal angegriffen und anschließend mit Bulldozern zerstört. Der Angriff wurde von der Stadtverwaltung von Ljubljana orchestriert. Ohne Vorwarnung und ohne jegliche Rechtsgrundlage. Häuser wurden abgerissen oder schwer beschädigt, viele Geräte, Werkzeuge und persönliche Gegenstände weggenomen, Menschen gewaltsam geräumt.
Das 2006 gegründete AT Rog war ein sozialer, kultureller und politischer Raum, der schnell zu einem der wichtigsten Knotenpunkte für direkte soziale Arbeit, Netzwerke für Geflüchtetensolidarität, politische Bildung & kollektives Lernen sowie Aktionen an der Basis wurde. Zusammen mit vielen anderen Praktiken sprach es die Bedürfnisse der Menschen in Ljubljana an. Das AT Rog ist entstanden, weil es einen Bedarf dafür gab. Seine authentische Verbundenheit mit den Bewohner*innen von Ljubljana spiegelt sich in einem enormen Erguss an Unterstützung von vielen Einzelpersonen, informellen Initiativen, akademischen Institutionen und vielen anderen wider. Sowie in vielen erhaltenen Spenden und anderen Unterstützungsangeboten.
Während der gewaltsamen Räumung und der anschließenden Proteste, bei denen sich tausende Menschen dem Verbot aller öffentlichen Versammlungen wegen der Pandemie widersetzten, wurden viele Menschen verhaftet, mit Geldstrafen geahndet und es wurden einige Strafverfahren eröffnet. Es wird erwartet, dass die Kosten für Bußgelder weiter steigen werden, wenn der Staat seine Repression fortsetzt und die Kosten für Rechtsfälle steigen. All dies ist eine zusätzliche Belastung für die Gemeinschaft von AT Rog sein, die sich auch mit den unmittelbaren Problemen der Unterbringung, des gestohlenen Equipments und dem notwendigen politischen Kampf beschäftigen muss.
Bitte verbreitet diesen Aufruf und die folgenden Links für mehr Information!
…und spendet Geld!
(an diese Mail könnt ihr auch schreiben, wenn ihr direkten Kontakt aufnehmen möchtet!)


On Tuesday, January 19, 2021 the Autonomous factory Rog (AT Rog) vas viciously attacked and subsequently destroyed by joint forces of neo-nazi linked private security companies and the police. Attack was orchestrated by the Municipality of Ljubljana. Without any warning and without any legal basis. Houses were demolished or seriously damaged, a lot of equipment, tools and personal belongings stolen.

Established in 2006, AT Rog was a social, cultural and political space which quickly became one of the major nodes of direct social work, migrant solidarity networks, grass-root political research and action. Together with many other practices it addressed the needs of the people of Ljubljana. Ljubljana created AT Rog because there was a need for it. Its authentic bond with the residents of Ljubljana is reflected in an enormous out-pour of support from many individuals, informal initiatives, academic institutions and many others. As well as in many donations received and other support offered.

During the violent eviction and the subsequent protests in which thousand people defied the ban on all public gatherings due to pandemic, many people were arrested, given fines and some criminal cases were opened. We expect that costs of fines will only increase as the state continues its repression and the costs of legal cases mount. All these will be an additional burden for the community of AT Rog that also needs to deal with an immediate issues of housing, stolen equipment and necessary political fightback.
Please spread the call and information about the situation of ROG!
More info here: 
For donation: 

[Ljubljana] Solidarität mit dem autonomen Zentrum ROG! – Solidarity with the autonomous center ROG!

– english below –

Vorgestern, am 19.Januar 2021 wurde das ROG eine schon jahrelang besetzte alte Fahrradfabrik in der slowenischen Hauptstadt Ljubljana gewaltsam geräumt. Damit wurde ein wichtiger Ort der linken und emanzipatorischen Bewegung in Ljubljana und international angegriffen und zerstört!Als Antirepressionskampagne wollen wir uns solidarisieren mit den von Polizeigewalt betroffenen Personen und allen Aktivist*innen und Menschen, denen ein wichtiger Ort sozialer Kämpfe genommen wurde.

Sie können Häuser räumen – doch: they can’t evict solidarity!

Räume können zerstört werden – nicht aber unsere Solidarität! Wir stehen solidarisch an der Seite unserer Genoss*innen in Ljubljana! Der Kampf für besetzte, selbstorganisierte, queere, feministische und antirassistische Räume bleibt!

Für mehr Infos:

Mehr Soli-Fotos fürs ROG findet ihr hier: oder auf Twitter:

———————————- English ———————————————————————

The day before yesterday, on January 19, 2021, the ROG, an old bicycle factory in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana that had been occupied for years, was violently evicted . With this, an important place of the left and emancipatory movement in Ljubljana and internationally was attacked and destroyed! As an anti-repression campaign, we want to show solidarity with the people affected by police violence and all activists and people who were deprived of an important place of social struggles.

They can evict houses – but: they can’t evict solidarity!

Spaces can be destroyed – but not our solidarity! We stand in solidarity with our comrades in Ljubljana! The struggle for squatted, self-organized. queer, feminist and antiracist spaces continues!

For more infos::

More Soli Pictures for ROG can be found here:  or on Twitter:


Folgender Artikel wurde veröffentlicht auf dem enoughisenough-Blog unter:

Ljubljana, Slowenien: Autonome Fabrik Rog geräumt

Ljubljana. Slowenien. 19. Januar. 2021. In den frühen Morgenstunden tauchten Bereitschaftspolizisten bei der autonomen Fabrik Rog auf. Sie begannen, die besetzte Häuser ohne Ankündigung und ohne rechtliche Grundlage zu räumen.

Publiziert von Enough 14. Geschrieben von Riot Turtle. Bilder von @altepunks.

Im Jahr 2002 kaufte die Stadtverwaltung von Ljubljana den 7.000 Quadratmeter großen Komplex mit mehreren Gebäuden in der Innenstadt von Ljubljana, nutzte ihn aber nie. Die ehemalige Fahrradfabrik wurde 2006 besetzt und wird seitdem als autonomes soziales Zentrum genutzt.

Heute Morgen kamen die Sicherheitskräfte von Valina um 07:00 Uhr und begannen mit der Räumung des Rog und verletzten dabei mehrere Personen. Polizist:innen begannen, Zäune um die Rog zu installieren und begannen, Menschen vor dem Gelände zu schlagen. Mindestens neun Personen wurden verhaftet. Drei Menschen mussten mit Verletzungen ins Krankenhaus.

Die Stadt Ljubljana hat die Tatsache, dass die Nutzer:innen von Rog seit Beginn der Autonomen Fabrik in 2006 eine Stadt für die Menschen gezeigt haben, nicht toleriert. Die Stadtbehörden wollen ihre Gentrifizierungspolitik fortsetzen, die Ljubljana in ein touristisches Disneyland verwandelt, um Profit zu machen. Die Rog-Nutzer:innen schrieben: „Deshalb haben sie uns den Krieg erklärt.“

Der Angriff auf Rog findet nicht in einem politischen Vakuum statt, da es in den letzten Monaten eine Reihe von Angriffen auf Rog gegeben hat Zivilgesellschaft, Radio Študent, Metelkova 6 und andere sozialkritische Akteure.

Die rechtsextreme Regierung von Janez Janša hat es auf unsere Genoss:innen abgesehen, die antiautoritäre Bewegung in Slowenien braucht unsere Solidarität und Unterstützung.

[Slovenia] Repression against autonomous Factory ROG in Ljubljana

What is Autonomous Factory Rog

Rog factory is an industrial complex on the east edge of Ljubljana centre, which produced the famous Rog bicycles and was shut down in 1991. Since then it has laid abandoned, empty, and in deterioration for 15 years. In 2006 the area was occupied by engaged students, artists and activists as a critical response to the post-socialist transition process (privatisation and de-industrialisation), and erosion of public and social spaces (individualisation and atomisation of society). The occupation pulled legitimacy from the need for places for non-formal artistic, cultural and political activity (autonomy, alternative culture, horizontal political organising).

Users secured and cleaned the spaces and established ateliers, workshops, galleries, a skate-park, concert hall, recreational facilities and social centres among others. Despite the municipal efforts to block or disable the grassroots activities (refusal to sign the legal contract for at least temporary use, and not allowing the community to tap into public electricity network), the users used their self-initiative, collaboration and resourcefulness and in 11 years created one of the main junctions of urban culture, critical thought and political activism on the level of the city, the state and beyond.

Where are we today?

Today, there are around 15 organized collectives and around 200 individuals active in the factory in 30 spaces that are relatively self-sufficient and autonomous. The community is bound together through assembly which is the main political body following the principle of direct democratic decision making and consulting.

Rog has two social centres:

Social center Rog– primarily meant for socialising and political organising of socially disempowered and marginalised social groups and individuals whose workers, civic and/or human rights are violated, working on problematics of social inequality and exclusion, economic exploitation, racial discrimination and other forms of discrimination tied to sexual orientation, personal circumstances, cultural specifics, with a more queer-anarchist turn in the recent years. It has been a breeding ground for most of radical left organizing in the last 13 years.

Ambasada Rog is a community center run by refugees and activists, squatters, artists, students and workers from all over the world, united in fighting beaurocratic barbed wire fences and helping each other to survive in an increasingly unfriendly Europe. It is the only space in Ljubljana, that offers community lunch every day.

Current state of affairs and threats of eviction

In the summer of 2016 the municipality tried to evict the factory with the use of security guards. In preparation for such an event and in reaction to it, a mass of people gathered and threw out the security guards from the premises of the factory. The whole event and its aftermath was covered by extensive national media coverage, especially the two month barricade ridden occupation of the factory as well as cultural and political festivities.

After the attempted eviction on the 6th of June 2016, eight individuals from the community of Autonomous Factory Rog (as the Assembly of Rog users couldn’t be recognized as a subject of law) filed a lawsuit against the municipality of Ljubljana for its’ violation of the propriety rights. The lawsuit argued that these individuals have the right of possession of the property on the basis of their 10 years and ongoing period of presence and activities in in contrast with the municipalities ownership of the property.

The court of first instance issued a temporary court order, granting Autonomous Factory Rog users temporary possession of their property and premises until the whole matter would finally be settled out in court. One of the reasons for the successful issuing of the temporary court order being was also excessive physical violence used by municipality’s private security forces during attempted eviction in June 2016.

Enormous lawsuit trying to push us out! Municipality subsequently answered with indemnity civil lawsuit against those eight individuals who filed a temporary court order (and propriety violation lawsuit) by suing every one of them individually with lawsuit’s estimated value of 200.000€ each, trying to force us out by enormous legal fees we are forced to pay to the municipality’s lawsuit, estimated at 4000€ – 5000€ each, totaling between 40.000€ to 50.000€ in the year to follow.


The factory continues to be a terrain of daily experimenting with alternative ways of organizing, it continues to provide space for those who are excluded from elsewhere and it continues to be a living organism of political organizing, exhibitions, movie screenings, community cooking, self-organized social work, sport practices, skate sessions, bike-repair workshops, non-commercial parties… Despite that, the future of Rog remains uncertain and depends on practices of solidarity! The decision about the future of Autonomous factory Rog has since June 2016 moved from the streets to courtrooms, where 8 individuals are being persecuted by the municipality with the aim to obtain legal grounds for the eviction of the community of Rog. The court procedures, a part from being unpleasant, represent a big financial burden for the individuals, the mounting legal expenses require constant organizing of community benefit events and a regular call for donations.

We cannot defend Rog as individuals, the defense requires a community response, because the story of Rog is also a case for a different, autonomous, non-gentrified city. Therefore we invite you to make a donation for Rog’s legal expenses to the following account:

  • SI56 0201 0026 1553 967
    Reference (
    MANDATORY to add): SI 00 9786301233

All the donated money will be allocated to the covering of legal expenses of the persecuted individuals. However, we will soon meet again at the barricades, where we will be defending autonomy and community against repressive city authorities.

Spread the call around your networks, reach out, contribute!

Solidarity is a practice!