Monthly Archives: February 2019

[Lesbos] Freispruch für die Moria 8!

Moria 8 freigesprochen

Übersetzt von Cant evict solidarity


“Polizist*innen in Mytilene tun seltsame Dinge, die ich nicht verstehe.”  (Präsidentin des Obersten Gerichtshofs, Chios)

Nach 11 Monaten unrechtmäßiger Inhaftierung wurden die Moria 8 schließlich für unschuldig erklärt und freigelassen. Am 22. Februar 2019 wurden sie vor den Obersten Gerichtshof in Chios gebracht, wo die drei Richter und die vierköpfige Jury nur anderthalb Stunden brauchten, um sie von allen Anklagen freizusprechen.

Die acht Männer wurden am 19. März 2018 verhaftet und beschuldigt, bei Protesten im Lager Moria fünf Tage zuvor die Polizei und Brandstiftung angegriffen zu haben. Fünf von ihnen wurden elf Monate lang in Haft gehalten, zwei im Gefängnis Korydallos und drei im Gefängnis auf Chios. Es gab keine Ermittlungen und die Alibis, die das Fehlen von mindestens zwei der Angeklagten während der Proteste belegen, wurden weder bei der Voranhörung unmittelbar nach der Verhaftung noch bei den eingereichten Einwänden gegen die Verhaftung berücksichtigt. Keiner der 17 Polizist*innen, die während der Proteste im Lager im Einsatz waren, war zu einer Voranhörung eingeladen und gebeten worden, einen der Angeklagten zu identifizieren.

Die Anschuldigung gegen die acht Männer aus Syrien und dem Irak beruhte nur auf einer Aussage eines anderen Campbewohners. Drei Monate vor dem Prozess schickte der Mann ein Video an einen der Angeklagten, in dem er sich für falsche Anschuldigungen entschuldigteund behauptet: “Ich habe sie verraten, weil ich Probleme hatte, bedroht wurde und Mytilini verlassen musste.” Als er zuvor seine Aussage gegen die Angeklagten gemacht hatte, veranlasste die Polizei, dass er direkt zum Festland gehen kann.

Die Präsidentin des Obersten Gerichtshof hörte elf Zeugenaussagen der 17 Polizist*innen an, die allesamt aussagten,  keinen der Angeklagten erkennen zu können. Sie bat nicht einmal die drei Zeugen der Verteidigung um eine Aussage. Sie sagte: “Polizist*innen in Mytilene tun seltsame Dinge, die ich nicht verstehe. Sie brachten Menschen ins Gefängnis wegen einer Aussage, die dies nicht rechtfertigt. Ab und zu schicken sie ohne Grund Leute zum Obersten Gerichtshof. Es gibt keinen Fall. Die Polizeibehörden in Mytilene sollten sich besser koordinieren. Wenn etwas passiert, solltest du es untersuchen.”

Es war dieselbe Richterin, die ein Jahr zuvor 32 Männer aus der Gruppe der Moria 35 verurteilt hatte, obwohl es keine zuverlässigen Beweise gab.

Vici Angelidou, der Anwalt von vier der Angeklagten, sagte: “Die Richterin und die Jury hatten nicht einmal eine Sitzung, um ihre Entscheidung zu treffen, sie sahen sich an und schafften es in etwa zehn Sekunden direkt.

Die Richterin fand klare Worte für die Anklage gegen die Ungerechtigkeit auf Lesbos, wo Migrant*innen häufig von der Polizei ins Visier genommen werden und bis zu 18 Monate ohne Untersuchung festgehalten werden können. Dennoch hat die Praxis der willkürlichen Verhaftungen und Rechtsvorwürfe nicht aufgehört. Am 28. Februar, 9. Mai und 10. Oktober 2019 wird es weitere Gerichtsverfahren gegen Menschen auf der Flucht von den Lesbos-Inseln geben.

Wir fordern die Polizei und das Gericht von Mytilene auf, diese Übergriffe auf Geflüchtetenproteste und die Kriminalisierung von Personen, die internationalen Schutz in Griechenland suchen, zu stoppen!


[Lesvos] Ongoing Criminalization of Refugee Protests – Upcoming trials against migrants on Lesvos

The criminalization of refugees protesting for their rights on Lesvos Island continues.

In April 2018, 32 people from the Moria 35 who had been arrested arbitrarily following a peaceful sit-in strike were convicted without any reliable evidence. Now, three more trials against refugees will be held at the end of February 2019.

Two of the trials address peaceful protests on the central Sapphous square of Mytilene, Lesvos, in November 2017. 13 adults and 4 minors are charged. The first trial will take place on 21st of February and the defendants are charged for camping on a communal space. The second trial is scheduled for the 28th of February with the charge of attempt to occupy a public space. In addition, some of the defendants are accused for disobedience and others for resistance against the police.

The third trial addresses protests in the Syrian family section in Moria camp on March 14th, 2018. Eight people have been arrested, and five of them have been held in pre-trial detention since. Their court case will take place on the 22nd of February on Chios Island.

A fourth trial against refugees who have been protesting on the central square of Mytilene will follow. The hearing date is the 9th of May 2019. The group has been arrested on the night of 22/23rd of April 2018. They were peacefully protesting against the situation on Lesvos, when they were attacked by a group of about 300 right wing nationalist with Molotov Cocktails, rocks, sticks, and bottles. Until the early morning, the refugees were trapped on the square. While the violent attack took place, and after the violence came to an end, the police did not follow the aggressors but instead turned to the refugees who had been targeted by fascists for hours and took them to the police station. The public prosecutor’s office presses charges against them for the occupation of public space, disobedience and resistance.

The upcoming court cases on the end of February mark another peak in a chain of systematic criminalization of refugees, who are only claiming their rights and protesting against the restriction of movement to the Greek Islands and the inhumane conditions in Moria camp.

Accusations for protests on the Sapphous Square of Mytilini

The events on Sapphous Square

On 20th October 2017, a large group of Afghan refugees left the camp of Moria after violent incidents in the camp. Due to the inhumane living conditions, unequal treatment and the massive overcrowding of the camp, there are frequent outbreaks of violence leaving even uninvolved individuals badly injured.

About forty people refused to go back to Moria camp and stayed on the central Sapphous square in Mytilene, among them families with small children who were later joined by more people with different national backgrounds. For more than a month, the protesters slept on bare ground with only blankets to cover them. When strong rain started, the protestors usually did not spend the night in the square, but found alternate places to sleep for the night, and then returned to the square in the morning. Only some set up thin camping tents. They claimed the conditions were still better than staying in Moria camp.

One of the protesters, a young woman from Afghanistan explained:

“They say you can only leave Moria when you are vulnerable. So they force us to stay there until we are made vulnerable. This is crazy, no one can live in Moria, especially for women it is really dangerous.”

While there was a strong solidarity movement among the Greek and international community, the protestors were also several times confronted by right wing groups on the square.

On November 20th, the municipality called for a general strike with speeches on the square that was joined by nationalist groups. The refugee protesters left the square during this assembly on November 20th and marched on the same day to the UNHCR office to present their demands for freedom of movement.

When they tried to return to the square the next day, they were surrounded by police and harassed by hostile local groups. The police aggressively pushed the refugees aside, surrounded them and evicted the square. During this action, some of the protesters were hurt by the police, including a young child. While the refugee protestors were violently expelled from the square by the police, they did not engage in any violence themselves.The court case

The court case

More than a year later, 17 of the protestors of the Sapphous square events are now facing a trial in court. They were not even officially notified. Most of them have already been recognized as refugees, some live in Athens in the self-organized place “Hotel City Plaza”. The charges against them include camping on a public space, disobedience and resistance against the police. The court dates in Lesbos are the 21st and the 28th of February.

We demand freedom for all accused protestors. The only “crime” they committed is demanding their legitimate rights to be allowed to move freely within Greece instead of being forced to live in the inhumane conditions of the European Hotspot camp Moria. The situation in Moria has been evolving as a result of the EU-Tukey statement that forces asylum seekers to remain on the Greek Islands. A member of Doctors without Borders described Moria as “the worst refugee camp in the world”. We stand in solidarity with all of the accused people.A

Accusations against the Moria 8

On March 14th, 2018 at about 6.15 pm, clashes between migrants and police took place in the Arab family section of Moria camp. Small fires broke out and the police shot teargas in the family section that badly affected the inhabitants, among them many young children. Several families fled the camp.

Three days later, eight individuals – four Iraqis and four Syrians – were arrested and charged for riots against the police endangering human life. The police bases the arrest warrant on the accusation of a single person, an inhabitant of Moria camp who had at that time the function of a community leader for migrants from Iraq.

The community leader claimed to have recognized all of the eight, although it was dark, smoke and teargas was in the air and the faces of the refugees involved in the clashes with the police were covered. Many of the accused migrants reported that they did not even know the community leader personally. At the same time, none of the 17 police men who testified had been able to recognize a single person. The role of community leaders in Moria Camp, which involves appointment using various methods across different nationalities – and approval of the individual by authorities – is undefined and unorganised and leads to many different personalities filling this position.

On the day the former Iraqi community leader testified, his geographic restriction to the island of Lesvos was removed and he was able to leave to the Greek mainland. Repeatedly, community leaders reported that they have been put under pressure by the police to pass on information and were threatened with criminal prosecution themselves, or that it would harm their own asylum claim if they did not cooperate. Moreover, they are offered to be able to leave the horrible conditions on Lesvos if they work as informants. This might have triggered the only witness to make false claims and accuse eight people.

In two cases there is clear evidence showing the innocence of the defendants. One man from Syria was not in Moria at the time of the protest but in the town of Mytilene, as testified by a witness and backed up by a dated photo taken of him in town. When he arrived in the camp, he immediately helped a heavily pregnant woman in front of the camp, who had been badly affected by the teargas. Together with two other witnesses, he brought her to the hospital. The four people only arrived back in the camp at night when the clashes had died down. Another accused man from Iraq was working as translator for the NGO “Moria Medical Support” during the time of the protests.

Five of the accused have been kept in pre-trial detention since ten months awaiting their trial. On Wednesday, the 22nd of February 2019, the trial will be held on Chios Island. After the unjust conviction of the 32 people the year before, it is again likely that the accused will also be convicted without any evidence.

The lengthy pre-trial detention and the charges based on dubious accusations outline another case of criminalization of protests and a violent crackdown on resistance of people protesting.

Both trials are symbolic for the ongoing criminalization of refugees opposing the system of encampment and deportation, imposed at the EU borders.

Freedom for the protesters on Sapphous Square!

Freedom for the Moria 8!

The defendants need support for their court cases.

Cost arise for court fees, expense allowance for lawyers, ferry tickets and accommodation for defendants and witnesses.

We collect donations on:

borderline-europe e.V.
GLS Bank, Bochum
IBAN: DE11430609674005794100
IBAN paperform: DE11 4306 0967 4005 7941 00

Donation-Subject: Refugee Support Lesvos

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[Sofia] Unterstützt die FABRIKA AVTONOMIA in Sofia

Die Fabrika Avtonomia in Sofia braucht finanzielle Unterstützung. Unten findet ihr die Erklärung der Nutzer*innen der Fabrika. Spenden könnt ihr hier: Solidarität kennte keine Grenzen!

Was ist die Fabrika Avtonomia?

Fabrika Avtonomia is a free, public, non-commercial self-organized independent space. Our core values are solidarity, autonomy, justice and equality. We organise and host various types of events from free language classes, alternative economy workshops, movie screening and lectures on different topics to independent art performances and DIY music shows.

Our aims

– In the artistic domain we support the creation of a strong independent art scene in the city of Sofia by providing free space for shows, performances and art installations. Over the course of one year we have worked with five different independent labels and many other artists that cannot survive in an environment ran exclusively by expensive commercial clubs.

– In terms of our political activity our aim is to provide space to different grass-roots social movements. We work on the intersection between different social, political and economic topics. We bring together struggles like workers’ rights and syndicalism, environmental struggles, feminism and LGBTI+ rights, anti-discrimination and anti-racism, and animal and earth liberation. We help citizens to develop self-organized groups for activism. Just as an example,we are currently working with a self-organized group for female rights in Bulgaria KEF (Club for Eclectic Feminism), Queer Squad, and the Initiative for Free Public Transport in Sofia.

Values and Principles

We are led by the pursuit of justice, solidarity, and self-management – as opposed to global capitalism, fake liberal democracy, and all kinds of totalitarianism.
We believe that a world of equality and mutual assistance, without hierarchy and without authority, is possible. While trying to apply all of this in practice, we are guided by some basic rules:
– Each onе of us represents themselves and no one else. We organize among ourselves without leaders and without anyone telling others how to “do the right thing”.
– We all participate voluntarily, according to our individual potential, abilities, and desires; all are engaged in the attempt of turning the social center into a model of autonomy.
– We believe in direct action in the name of everything we believe in and against everything that oppresses us in the present system.
– We respect all differences, because this is the only way we can achieve common solutions; we recognize the importance of diversity for a just and harmonious society; we do not accept any form of oppression or discrimination on any ground. – We do not accept that aggression – verbal or physical – is an appropriate way of communicating in our common space.

We know that the struggle for a better world is multifaceted and we do our best so that the space of “Factory Autonomy” holds its pioneering position in Sofia as the center of many struggles for justice, solidarity, and self-government. Only together can we reclaim our space, not only in the city but also in society, and join our voices to fight for our freedom.

“Autonomy” – because we ourselves can build a just, cohesive, and self-governing society.
“Factory” – because achieving our individual freedom is impossible without producing our collective freedom together.

[Hernals6] Solidaritätserklärung mit den inhaftierten Hernals6 in Wien (Österreich)

We from the “You cant evict solidarity”-solidarity-campaign declare our solidarity with the imprisoned and accused Hernals6 in Vienna and demand their release!

From the lager Moria on Lesbos to the deportation prison Hernalser Gürtel in Vienna, people on the move are resisting the racist and inhuman EU-border-regime and its system of deportation and imprisonment. We stand in solidarity with the six people from Hernalser Gürtel that set their cell in fire in September 2018 to protest against their deportation. As the Austrian governments and medias repressive answer is accusation and imprisonment of the protesters in the prison in Vienna, we will not let ourselves be intimidated and call to support the accused in the upcoming trial and resist the inhuman EU-border-regime.

Our passion for freedom is stronger than all prisons!

More Infos on the case on